Besides our trip to Forks, WA for Spring Break we spent a couple of days in the Seattle area. I pricelined a hotel and got a beautiful Doubletree Inn right next to our favorite mall. We were lucky enough to get a beautiful view room on the PENTHOUSE level and for a little extra Valet parking. Because we were feeling so special we went ahead and ordered room service as well. It wasn't the best creme brulee' we have ever had, but it was the most expensive.

We had a wonderful lunch at Rainforest Cafe. Yes, most of the crowd was much younger....and the kids tease me, but I just love that place. It makes me feel like I'm at Disneyland and I'm going to walk out of it, turn to the left and get in line for the Matterhorn.
We spent quite a bit of time at the mall, but here we had to split up. Kenzie LOVE's Forever 21. Easton heads to the nearest Gamestop and you can find me in any store that sell's clothes Emree's size....(because she REALLY NEEDS some more clothes). Reid always likes to always say, "Look at all the money you saved....".
WE watched 'How to Train a Dragon' in Imax. It's cute, but not really worth $16. But we each had our own little bag of candy from the Sweet Factory, which makes almost any movie completely worth watching. I do have to say the picture and sound were incredible.

WE rode a ferry on our way to Forks which was exactly like the movie, 'Deja Vue', and we went to Mount Vernon to the Tulip Festival. I have heard about the Tulip Festival for 20 years, ever since I moved to Washington and this year I told the kids, "I'm going no matter what!"....They just didn't know they were going with me, but they were good sports. The problem was the weather. It was freezing. It was windy, and rainy and windy.....did I mention the wind? We weren't really prepared and all we could do was barely get out of the car, walk as fast as we could possibly walk to the fields, quickly snap a picture of the beautiful tulips and run right back to the warm car. I can only imagine on a very warm, sunny day with no wind how beautiful it might really be.

It's been a tradition of ours to do something for spring break. Reid is always busy planting and unable to get away so the kids and I have gone somewhere almost every year. When the kids were little it was much harder of course. This year I realized my time with Kenzie is very short. She's a senior and soon will be leaving our house to an apartment of her own and her next big adventure. I love every minute I get to spend with my kids. They are strong, valiant spirits and they make me so proud. I love to see them interact with each other and the friends they are to each other.
Spring Break next year, how 'bout it Easton?
LOVED THE TULIPS!!! You're a good and brave mommie to take your teenagers on a road trip!!!
I'm pretty sure Easton wants to go back to Forks! ;)
I am with Susan! Looks fun, wish I was there. I bet it beat some of our spring break trips lol :) WE love you Mom!
I love how your children support and love each is a reflection of a Mom and Dad that love each other too! Love the tulips!!!! Mine are just about ready to bloom! I LOVE SPRING!!!
What a fun tradition! You are awesome to do that for them without your hubby. OK who's the bigger Twilight fan you or Kenzi?
strong, valiant kids, you've got it! Seriously, what a great family you have. We feel pretty darn lucky to know you guys, you've always been so warm and gracious towards us and inviting us into your home (whether Hattie and I invite ourselves in or not:))
What a FUN spring break, holy manoly! You guys did some awesome stuff and I love that you took Easton and kenz, and I love that they love being together.
What fun memories and a really fun mom you are!
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