It's been a pretty exciting few months for the Baker household. Quinn married Brittany Allison in the Las Vegas Temple on December 18th. It was a perfect day, they are a perfect couple, it was the PERFECT wedding. (I do not recommend a seven month engagement however).
Quinn met Brittany through Jordan. So far Jordan is 2-2 with matching up his siblings with their mates. (I know you know I have to say it....can't someone find a girl for Jordan?) Once Quinn and Brittany started dating it went full speed ahead. Quinn liked everything about her from the beginning, and she really is perfect. She's beautiful on the inside and the out. She's spiritual and smart. She's motivated and kind and most importantly SHE LOVES QUINN!! She has exactly the qualities I would have picked for Quinn if I was the one in charge of picking and at the top of the list...she brings out the VERY best in Quinn.

Then shortly after all the wedding festivities were over Danielle and Tyler had a beautiful baby boy on January 10th. They named him Jesse after my father and my grandfather. Jesse was very considerate and waited until Grandma could fly in. He arrived shortly after I landed in Sacramento. He was 5 days late and would probably of been even more if Tyler hadn't of been a man of many persuasive words. He was 9 lbs 11 oz. He looks just like Emree only bigger and more masculine. Being a grandma is something I've looked forward to for a few years now. I have always loved babies and having them around again is very special. Tyler and Danielle are amazing parents. The hardest part is not being near enough to see them often enough.
Welcome to the family Brittany and Jesse. We feel very blessed to have you.