The only time I ever got all my kids (Jordan, Danielle, and Quinn) to bear their testimonies in Sacrament Meeting was the promise of skipping school the next day and a shopping trip to tri-cities. And Jordan earned several toy tractors after giving a decent talk in church one week, that only problem was he told everyone one that at the end of his talk. I'm pretty sure Danielle received $50 the first time she ever did the splits and our kids were all REWARDED with money if they didn't kiss until they were 16. Believe it or not it worked, you have something to live up to EASTON. Let's see Jordan, what will it take to find that 'one and only'?
The kids have learned over the years that making a deal with dad is a much better deal. He gives in easier and gives better prizes. Well congratulations've have just successfully received the best bribe of all our years of parenting. Easton has been working on his Eagle. Jordan (and I) received his Eagle at the age of 17 and a half after making hundreds of fleece hats for orphans. Quinn (and Reid) received his Eagle at the age of 17 and 7/8's after building a wedding trellis for the church.
And Easton (and Uncle Garth and Uncle Hugh) just received his Eagle at the age of 14 after building a shed to place over some electrical equipment at one of the church properties. Enjoy your Dune Buggy Easton!!!!